Sponsoring a Kiddush isn't just about providing a meal - it's an act of community support that nourishes the soul, and a testament to your commitment to our shared values and traditions. It's a way to honor loved ones, celebrate milestones, and ensure our community continues to thrive. 

Kiddush Sponsorship Options:

Standard - Sponsor a Standard weekly kiddush in honor of a loved one's birthday or yahrtzeit with traditional kiddush fare.

Premium - The Premium kiddush includes Standard kiddush fare plus additional food options. This is ideal if you plan to bring friends or family to join for the occasion.

Deluxe - The Deluxe kiddush includes Premium fare plus floral arrangements and personalized decor or paper goods to celebrate the occasion.

Royal - Sponsoring the Royal kiddush includes the Deluxe fare and the rental of round tables and chairs, turning the kiddush into a beautiful garden party to celebrate the occasion.


We thank you for partnering with us!

Sponsorship Amount
Other Amount $
Total Amount
Sponsorship Information