A weekly opportunity to disconnect from the stresses of everyday life while feeding your mind, body and spirit.
Join Rabbi Yossi for an enlightening and relevant men's Torah class followed by an uplifting prayer service. You'll want to stay for the Kiddush Club for the chance to enjoy the company of old and new friends while enjoying a delicious, traditional Shabbat lunch spread. Click here to sponsor a kiddush!
Kiddush Sponsorship Options:
Standard - Sponsor a Standard weekly kiddush in honor of a loved one's birthday or yahrtzeit with traditional kiddush fare.
Premium - The Premium kiddush includes Standard kiddush fare plus additional food options. This is ideal if you plan to bring friends or family to join for the occasion.
Deluxe - The Deluxe kiddush includes Premium fare plus floral arrangements and personalized decor or paper goods to celebrate the occasion.
Royal - Sponsoring the Royal kiddush includes the Deluxe fare and the rental of round tables and chairs, turning the kiddush into a beautiful garden party to celebrate the occasion.
Text Rabbi Yossi - 561-571-1531 if you have any questions.